
A working meeting between Prespa tea collectors and the Rural Women of Prespa

16 Mar, 2024


On March 16, in Resen (North Macedonia), a working meeting was held between local mountain tea collectors from Prespa and Rural Women of Prespa.

The success story of Rural Women with a mountain tea plantation was strongly supported by the tea collectors. The purpose of this meeting was to raise awareness about mountain tea, which is treated as an endangered species, through the presentation of the project activities and the achieved results of this project.

At the meeting, they discussed how mountain tea is harvested correctly, and which methods of harvesting are harmful and lead to its extinction as a species. The process of tea plantation and cultivation, its collection, and proper storage were explained in detail, but the most prominent was the possibility of developing new mountain tea plantations in Prespa.

Aromatic plant collectors supported this idea and decided to plant mountain tea in additional locations throughout Prespa.

With this, we can only say that the most important goal: the protection of mountain tea and its plantation in Prespa has been fully and successfully realized!

The project "Empowering women for NTFP's development of Prespa" is implemented by the organization CNVP, with financial support from PONT, through which Rural Women of Prespa are supported. The project aims to increase the internal capacities of the RWoP organization, for the use of bioproducts and non-wood forest products in the region of Prespa for catering activities.