Developing Eco tourism by preserving biodiversity in the Albanian Alps National Park

Developing Eco tourism by preserving biodiversity in the Albanian Alps National Park
The Albanian Alps are among the most beautiful protected areas in Albania and first choices for many tourists and nature lovers. Nature-based tourism in protected areas can improve local economies, reduce poverty, and help to develop the rural areas. In the framework of PONT funded project “Sustainable use of natural resources for transboundary socio-economic development of protected areas in Albania and North Macedonia (Korab-Koritnik, Shar and Albanian Alps)” ,CNVP Albania is partnering with local NGOs, businesses and farmers, through a grant scheme, in raising awareness, building capacities and creating an enabling environment for ensuring sustainable use of Protected Areas for tourism purposes.
Shkoder Forest Federation is one of the project grantees implementing a project titled “Conserving the Paradise: A sustainable future for the eco-tourism of the Albanian Alps". The main objective of this project is "Increasing the awareness of local actors, through informative and training sessions on ways of doing eco-tourism and preserving natural resources and biodiversity".
On 26 February 2024, the forest federation organized a workshop in Boge village part of the Albanian Alps National Park with representatives from local community, business and local government. The workshop focused on providing information on biodiversity, natural resources as well as potential ways of doing eco-tourism. The federation will continue to organize awareness raising events and trainings in order to equip the local actors with the necessary knowledge for sustainable management of the Protected Areas in order to live in harmony with nature and benefit economically for the natural resources.