
Field day at Qato MAPs nursery in Berat

12 Dec, 2022


CNVP Albania supported the organization of a field day at the Qato MAPs nursery in Berat, which is established with the support of Sida-funded LED project. Through the support for nursery expansion and the greenhouse in particular which was established as part of the partnership between CNVP Albania and Qato nursery, farmers from Berat are being  be exposed to performance of high-quality seedlings of flowers that grow well in this area as well as good agriculture practices for MAPs cultivation which are shared through the organization of demonstration field days in the nursery. MAPs farmers, companies, and directory of Agriculture in Berat municipality participated in the event. Of special importance was the participation of CNVP Kosovo staff who had the opportunity to see how CNVP Albania is applying Market System Development Approach in its LED project as well as exchange information with all the participants. The event took place on 9 December.

High quality seedlings are a critical input in the commercial cultivation of MAPs. Although MAPs cultivation in Berat is not as organised as in other regions such as Shkoder, it is seen as a very good opportunity to generate more incomes and reduce the pressure from the MAPs which grow in the wild. This partnership with Qato nursery focuses on expanding the production capacity of the business and establishing a greenhouse to increase farmers access to quality planting materials, to promote and market seedlings to MAPs producers in the local area.

The key objectives of the partnership include:

  • To make quality planting material more accessible to MAPs farmers in the local area
  • To increase farmer knowledge on the cultivation of MAPs
  • To generate more incomes and employment in rural areas by cultivating the most market demanded MAPs